
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Breakfast of champions

If you haven't figured out by now, I have a killer commute. I bitch about it enough that it should be common knowledge. Most days I eat breakfast in the car right around Del Mar since that's when traffic stops. It gives me something to do when I'm done counting my fingers and toes. Usually I have a lovely piece of toast with some cheese - but I'm trying to spice it up a bit.

So smoothies are the perfect answer.
Protein? Check
Fruit? Check
Easy to eat in the car? Double check!

Plus its a nice way to use up some of the frozen fruit I tend to accumulate.

Raspberry Banana Pineapple Smoothie
1 banana, quartered
6 oz pineapple juice
1/2 cup vanilla nonfat yogurt
1 cup frozen raspberries

1) Combine all in a blender until thick and smooth.


  1. You mean Jon's refillable from the fair container?

  2. I too spemt a while tryimg to figure out the cup. Perpleximg. What are the mutritiomal properties im this smoothie amd where is the proteim comimg from? I love smoothies.

  3. yum!

    i am a lucky mofo and get to eat breakfast at my desk. long commutes are sucky :(

  4. 10years - perhaps you have heard of this food called "yogurt". It is a dairy product from which one can derive protein. I highly recommend you look into it....

  5. It'd probably be really good with a basic vanilla protein powder, D, if you feared the protein count from mere yogurt.
