
Monday, September 14, 2015

Mommy Mondays: 3 Months

Weight (carried over from 2 month appointment): 11lbs, 14 oz (+3lbs, 10 oz)

 Height (carried over from 2 month appointment): 24.25 inches (+2.75 inches)
 Head (carried over from 2 month appointment): 15.75 inches

Sleep:  The good is that he's giving me a little longer stretch in the morning, consistently waking between 2 and 4, instead of 12 and 4.  Then back to sleep until I wake him at 6:30 for one last feed before daycare.  The bad is that since he started rolling two days before he hit 3 months, so we're working on stopping swaddling.  This didn't happen ever for Thatkid, so it's brand new territory for me and I'll take any advice you can throw my way!  It was so bad last Monday night that we went back to the swaddle so we could all get some rest before a workday.

Eating: Thatbaby is doing great with the bottle at daycare, but he's eating more than he would at home, similar to Thatkid when he started daycare.  Right now he's eating 4 bottles consistently, plus an extra couple ounces.  We had to up his bottles from 3 to 3.5 ounces.  I've been a bit behind his intake since I started work.  I consistently pump 13 oz every day.  He consistently eats 14-16 oz every day.  Luckily I have a bit of a freezer stash from when I was off work, but I'm definitely going to have to add a pumping session or two in on the weekends to supplement during the week.  I also picked up some fenugreek and lacation tea to see if I can up what I produce during the week.

Best Moment: When I picked Thatbaby up from his first day of daycare he gave me the HUGEST smile when he saw me.  Which made me feel like a million bucks.  And that maybe he was going to be okay after all.

Monthly Wisdom: It's hard leaving your kid in the hands of someone else.  Especially when it's not quite at your comfort level.  But kids are amazingly resilient.  And daycare can be a fantastic opportunity for them because it usually means someone is giving them attention instead of trying to be there for them AND make dinner AND put away the laundry.

Goals for the Upcoming Month:
- Break the swaddle!
- Get out of the 1% BMI zone
- Make it through the high holiday services with a baby and a toddler!

Things Thatbaby is doing:
- "Chatting"  (babbling)
- Rolling
- Swatting at toys on his playmat
- Grabbing hanging objects above him
- Switching objects between hands
- Sitting and standing with assistance
- Chewing on his hands


  1. One of my coworkers just switched from nanny to daycare and it has definitely been out of her comfort zone...but her boy is thriving just like yours are! So I suspect everything will be okay.

  2. I can tell that Thatbaby is a fantastic baby! Good to know he is doing well in daycare since he is just 3 months old!

  3. They are both so cute! Those baby smiles are the best!

  4. "And daycare can be a fantastic opportunity for them because it usually means someone is giving them attention instead of trying to be there for them AND make dinner AND put away the laundry."

    You hit the nail on the head!!!
    Both of my boys are in daycare, and have a blast.
